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诗歌阅读的“五觉” 李永毅 2009.10 “五觉”概览 形觉(诗歌的空间特征) 声觉(诗歌的时间特征) 触觉(诗歌的结构特征) 情觉(诗歌的经验特征) 智觉(诗歌的知性特征) 诗歌阅读的一些误区 (1)伦理误区:道德洁癖 It is a contradiction to attempt a sinless literature of sinful man. --Cardinal Newman It [the poetical character] has as much delight in conceiving an Iago as an Imogen. What shocks the virtuous philosop[h]er, delights the camelion Poet. It does no harm from its relish of the dark side of things any more than from the bright one; because both end in speculation. --John Keats (2)阐释误区:终极答案 “Man can embody truth but he cannot know it.” --William Butler Yeats “A poem does not mean, but be.” --Archibald Macleish (3)心理误区:透明情结 阅读诗歌与阅读专业物理书籍一样需要训练和相关的知识储备: 文学传统(格律、语汇、主题、程式、手法); 文学理论(特定时期文学看待世界的方式); 作家的生活经历、思想框架和文学理念; 特定时期的整体精神氛围; 个人对人生和世界的体悟; 阅读所训练出来的对文字的敏感; 简单的个案 In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. Three years ago in Paris, I got out of a ‘metro’ train at La Concorde, and saw suddenly a beautiful face, and then another and another, and then a beautiful childs face, and then another beautiful woman, and I tried all that day to find words for what this had meant to me, and I could not find any words that seemed to me worthy, or as lovely as that sudden emotion....I wrote a 30-line poem and destroyed it… Six months later I made a poem half that length; a year later I made the following hokku-like sentence. 如何理解这首诗? 历史的定位:熟悉庞德所反叛的维多利亚文学传统(伦理说教的文学价值观;“软”的表达方式;平庸保守的中产阶级读者)。 诗人的主张:意象主义(direct treatment of the thing); superimposition;grammar of the unconscious。 与东方诗歌的关联:娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。 与西方诗歌的关联:Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton 一 形觉 诗是一种空间艺术(外形:字形、行形、空白、空行、标点、整体空间排列;视觉意象:构图、设色、动静、特写) 《文心雕龙·练字》:“一避诡异,二省联边,三权重出,四调单复”“瘠字累句,则纤而行劣;肥字积文,则黯而篇暗;善酌字者,参伍单复,磊落如珠矣。” 谢榛《四溟诗话》:“律诗虽宜颜色,两联贵乎一浓一淡。若两联浓,前後四句淡,则可;若前後四句浓,中间两联淡,则不可。亦有八句皆浓者,唐四杰有之;八句皆淡者,孟浩然韦应物有之。非笔力纯粹,必有偏枯之病。” 星垂平野闊,月涌大江流。 滄海月明珠有泪,藍田日暖玉生烟。 同心而離居,憂傷以終老。 Dickinson (1) Presentiment is that long


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