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毕 业 设 计 书 题 目 三墩北居住区4#模板工程专项施工方案 专 业 土木工程(结构方向) 班 级 09结构3班 完成时间:2013 年6月 承 诺 书 我谨此郑重承诺: 本毕业设计(论文)是本人在指导老师指导下独立撰写完成的。凡涉及他人观点和材料,均依据著作规范做了注释。如有抄袭或其它违反知识产权的情况,本人愿接受学校处分。 承诺人: 年 月 日 三墩北居住区4#模板工程专项施工方案设计 城建学院建筑中使用的浇筑成型,并能在混凝土达到一定强度前承受混凝土自重的临时性结构。它按设计要求制作,使混凝土结构、构件按规定的位置、几何尺寸成形并承受建筑模板自重及作用在其上的外部荷载。进行模板工程的目的,是保证混凝土工程质量与施工安全、加快施工进度和降低工程成本。The Specific Program of SanDunbei 4# Residential Area ZhuYiya,Major in civil Engineering, College of city construction Abstract:The template use in building making the concrete form and able to withstand its weight before reaching a certain strength, is a temporary structure.Fabricated according to the requirements, it is formed with the location and geometry dimensions stated, and born itsweight of the template and external loads. The purpose of template project is to guarantee the engineering quality and constructive security, speed up the construction and reduce the costs. The main task of this graduation design is to complete the template special construction project for San Dunbei 4#.This project is made up of 6 residential blocks and podium, with a total gross floor area of 98,479 square meters, ranging from residential building for 24 to 28 floors etc, podium floor is on the second floor, and even in the basements of the buildings as a whole and communicates with other section. Among them, the 4# building includes one floor underground and 28 floors above the ground with a height of 81.45 meters.Learn more about the importance of the template project by this paper. Keywords:construction organization design; template engineering; construction technique; form-work; structural calculation 目 录 1工程概况 1 1.1建筑概要 1 1.2场地条件和环境条件 1 1.2.1场地条件 1 1.2.2环境条件 1 2 编制依据 2 2.1相关法律 2 2.2相关图纸 2 2.3相关标准规范 2 2.4编制要求 3 3模板及支架设计 4 3.1模板体系材料的选用 4 3.2支模架设计 4 4 施工准备及部署 7 4.1项目管理体系 7 4.2材料、设备准备、劳动力组织 7 4.3施工进度安排 9 4.4支模架的材质检


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