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突击离婚为哪般? 上有政策,下有对策 福利住房政策:假离婚 户口政策:假结婚或突击结婚 二套房交易税政策:假离婚 人性化的上岗政策:假离婚或者突击离婚 计划生育政策:离婚超生 偿债法:离婚逃债 离了吗?竟成打招呼用语 2005年8月,河北任丘华北石油管理局出台了一份旨在促进买断工龄下岗职工再就业的政策,令不少在5年前买断工龄的职工动起了离婚念头,短短4天内竟有近70对华油职工到当地婚姻登记处集中办理离婚手续,而离婚的目的仅仅是为了能得到一次就业机会。 政策规定:单职工买断工龄的,可以再就业;双职工都买断工龄的,有一方可以再就业;离婚后的下岗职工等同于单职工,可以再就业,但以离婚证为准。 谁让教师离婚证成了上岗证? 2006年9月15号以来 ,辽宁丹东市振安区同兴镇的80多名老师,竟然有近60名老师为上岗指标突击离婚,学生全放假。起因是区教育局出台的一份文件。 The Economic Consequences of Divorce: The Gender Divide Weitzman (1985) found that in the first year after divorce, the average standard of living of divorced men increased by 42 percent while that of divorced women decreased by 73 percent. Duncan and Burkhauser (1988) used data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and found that one-quarter of married women ages 26 to 35 who divorce or separate experience a decrease in their income-to-needs ratio of at least 50 percent. [See also Burkhauser et al. (1990) for a comparative analysis of the costs of marital disruption in the United States and Germany]. The major reason why homemakers are particularly vulnerable upon and after divorce is because their contributions during marriage are asymmetric in relation to the contributions of their husbands (see esp. Cohen 1987). Asymmetries in the accumulation of human capital during marriage The human capital accumulated by homemakers is marriage-specific (or home-specific) and thus not portable. By contrast, human capital accumulated by wage-earners (earning capacity) is entirely portable and not marriage-specific. Older women have exhausted their primary capital asset (that of “wife”) during their first marriage; their advanced homemaking skills have little or no market value. Homemakers: A Vulnerable Subpopulation Since full-time homemakers have specialized in domestic labor during marriage, the dissolution of marriage often means an end to their occupation. This occupation, though invaluable to the welfare of the national economy, accrues no health, retirement, or unemployment benefits.


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