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“ ” ----- HUI NING 会 宁 状元名县 Top of the county 会宁会师 Huining stationed 农业资源 Agricultural resources 会宁——红军长征会师的地方 Hui Ning——join forces with the long march 中国革命圣地会宁是中国工农红军一、二、 四方面军三大主力会师的地方, Chinese revolution hoeryong holy land is the Chinese red army of workers and peasants first, second and fourth army three main forces stationed,    会 师 塔 Join forces with the tower 红 军 长 征 纪 念 馆 The red army long march memorial Join forces with floor 会师楼 A bitter the word into the university entrance exam top county“! 一个“苦”字炼成高考“状元县”! 苦 甲 天 下 苦甲天下 会宁县“耕读传家”的思想观念根深蒂固,“书香门第”处处可寻,甚至有“学生苦读、家长苦供、朋友苦帮、教师苦教、领导苦抓”的“五苦”经验 Huining GengDou family heirloom concept entrenched, scholarly family can be found everywhere, even a bitter for students studying, parents, friends, hard help, teachers teach, leadership bitter grip of the five bitter experience. 为了改变命运、学生苦读 In order to change your fate, students studying 会宁学子校园苦读一角 Huining students studying campus 会宁二中 为了摆脱贫困、家长苦供 In order to get rid of poverty, bitter for parents 为了学生的未来,教师苦教 In order to the future of students, teachers to teach 农业资源    小杂粮:会宁是全省杂粮的主产区。小杂粮主要包括糜子、谷子、荞麦、莜麦、豌豆、扁豆等, Small coarse cereals: huining is the provinces grain producing areas. Small grains, mainly including corn millet, millet, buckwheat, naked oats, peas, lentils, etc. 谷 子 糜 子 Corn millet millet 莜 麦 Naked oats buckwheat 荞 麦 豌 豆 扁 豆 peas lentils Make By : Hu Yu hong 谢谢观赏 胡 玉 红 “ ”



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