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经济增长方式转变:地方政府创新和结构优化的视角 程 世 勇 王勇 清 华 大 学 摘要:目前中国经济快速增长不仅表现为总量的增长和结构的优化,同时是中央政府、地方政府和企业三方利益集团博弈的过程。文章从基本的模型出发,分析了目前地方政府和企业博弈的均衡因不具备帕累托最优效应而使经济处于“转型陷阱”状态。摆脱目前的“转型陷阱”关键要从博弈各方收益最大化的视角出发,培育企业在“低成本转换”条件下进行战略转型而获取竞争优势;同时激励地方政府进行诱致性制度变迁。在制度变迁中是否可以提供一种内生的激励机制,推进地方政府进行自发的制度变迁。通过地方政府创新提供新的“制度供给”,达到的均衡最终具有帕累托效率。 关键词:转型陷阱 企业转型 地方政府创新 结构优化 Abstract: Author consider that the path of economic increasing is not only the course of construction change but one of involving in central government、local government and company. The paper’s opinion that equilibrium of local government and company is not a Pareto-equilibrium is from a simple model. Based on view of maximization profit, the key problems about how to deal with the transition have to deal with two questions. On the one hand, it is of importance to advance the competition of company; on the other hand, it is necessary to find ways to incentive local government to change the institutions. Obviously, market institutions can deal with how to make the company to select its production; however, the local government selects influence the choice of company. As the result, it is obvious that the local government plays an important role in the course of transition of company. The author believes that the relations of local government and company is faced with conflicts based on traditional local government utility function. The task for author is whether it is possible to search for some kind of “incentive institution” to make it possible for local government to change or chose a kind of new utility function, that is to say, making transition from “short-term” action to “long-term” action for local government which fits Pareto standards. Key words: TRANSITION TRAP、ENTERPRISE TRANSITION、INNOVATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT、OPTIMUM OF STRUCTURE 引言 十五期间,在投资、消费和净出口拉动下,我国经济平均增速达到8.8%,2003年以来,经济增速突破9.5%。今年一季度贷款增长1.26万亿,同比多增5193亿元,。本文从地方政府创新引导结构转换的视角出发,分析经济增长方式的转变和结构优化问题。 一 结构性问题和“转型陷阱” 经济增长过程是一个总量增长和结构调整的动态过程。从20世纪中叶以来,国外著名经济学者如西蒙?库兹涅茨、 瓦西里?列昂惕夫、


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