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(PETS2)口语考试应试知识(国外英文资料) The test of oral English test should be tested Edit comments: PETS oral test design and grading standard, the key is to look at the candidates communicative ability strong and the weak, supplemented by the size of the vocabulary, grammar knowledge to master, and the smooth degree of language transfer. It also takes some training and skill to stand out from the test. Regardless of which level of speaking test in PETS, the core of the test is interactive skills and effective communication. The interactive skills refer to the transmigration of language activities between the test examiner and the examinee and the examinee. Through cooperative communication, we can build a dialogue and obtain the information we need to achieve the goal of communication. Is particularly worth mentioning is that PETS oral test design and grading standard, the key is to look at the strength of the candidates communicative competence, supplemented by the size of the vocabulary, grammar knowledge to master, and the smooth degree of language transfer. It is not necessary for students to be nervous about the lack of information about the problem of the questions they ask. Im sorry, I dont know much about this. So I cannot answer your question. But I guess, it might be like this... Im afraid that this question is beyond me. You know, actually Ive never had such kind of experience. Maybe You could offer me some information about this? How to use the language communication tool to communicate effectively, cleverly avoid contradictions, solve problems and achieve a goal, to a large extent reflect the examinee of language ability, because this is the core spirit of the speaking test. So, oral teacher candidates for oral test scores, the main relevant point is to observe the application of language ability and strain capacity, rather than of examinees in some way how well the knowledge or the opinions or ideas of right and wrong in itself. This is the ability of the examinees



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