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山东科技大学 本科生毕业论文 姓 名: 学 号: 机械电子工程学院  专 业:   设计题目机车设计 专 题: 指导教师:职 称: 摘 要 本文研究的防爆锂电蓄电池单轨吊,是一种煤矿井下辅助运输机车。是一种多功能、高效率、多用途的井下辅助运输车辆。在平路或上坡时,由锂电蓄电池提供动力完成牵引工作;下坡时,可将动能和势能转化成电能,反充给锂电蓄电池,靠能量回馈实现自动减速制动。防爆锂电蓄电池单轨吊,比之普通单轨吊能量利用更充分,主机部更轻便,能实现能量的循环利用是对传统单轨吊的一次技术改良。 而此次设计主要是想用锂电蓄电池代替铅酸蓄电池,进一步取代柴油机单轨吊,达到减少成本,降低污染的目的。通过简化单轨吊的液压系统取代复杂封闭式的液压系统,降低主机部分的重量,提高单轨吊灵活性使之能更好的适应各种地形,也进一步改进了紧急制动装置,添加了超速离心制动装置。使单轨吊车能更加安全的使用。本次毕业设计还通过结合人机工程学内容改进了十座人车的构造,使其更加人性化! 通过此次设计,经过深入了解了矿用锂电蓄电池单轨吊的结构与工作方式,结合液压与电气的知识对单轨吊进行了部分改进,在很大程度上回顾了大学所学知识,并合理运用这些知识完成本次设计! 关键词:单轨吊;控制系统; 液压;电气; 锂电池 ABSTRACT And in this paper, the explosion-proof lithium battery monorail crane, is a kind of underground auxiliary haulage locomotive, driving on the roadway monorail can not only delivery of materials and personnel and equipment, also can accomplish the downhole equipment simple lifting, hoisting work..when going downhill, the kinetic energy and potential energy is converted into electrical energy, reverse charging to lithium battery and rely on the energy feedback to realize automatic deceleration and braking. Explosion-proof lithium battery monorail crane, than ordinary monorail energy utilization more fully and hosts more portable and can realize energy recycling is the traditional monorail a technical improvement. And the design is mainly to replace lead-acid battery with lithium battery, further to replace diesel monorail crane, to reduce costs, reduce pollution purposes. The use of the monorail can be more secure. The graduation design also through the combination of ergonomic content to improve the structure of the ten men and cars, to make it more humane! Through the design, through in-depth understanding of the structure and work of mine lithium battery monorail, combined with knowledge of hydraulic and electric monorail crane was partly improved, in a great extent reviews the knowledge,


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