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校园生活类一、招募评选类(一)假设你是红星中学的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序, 为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,记述你参加学校“社团招新”活动的整个过程。注意:词数不少于60;短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new member.【范文一】The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new members.Last week, we were attracted by a poster, saying all the clubs would gather on the sports field during the lunch break on Friday, and we could join the club we like. Everyone was excited about it.After lunch on Friday, we crowded onto the sports field. I was amazed at the number and variety of the clubs: the Cartoon Club, the Guitar Club, the Basketball Club and so on. It was not easy to make a choice. But I decided to join the Basketball Club, because I love sports. I signed up and so did some other students who shared my interest. In the end, we took a picture together, smiling and happy as if we had been friends for a long time.I believe my school life will be more interesting because of basketball and new friends. 【范文二】The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new members. When I was heading for lunch at school yesterday, a colorful poster caught my attention. Looking closely, I learned that all the school clubs would set up stands on the playground on Friday noon to attract new members. Looking forward to adding colors to my school life, I decided to take a look on Friday. The playground was crowded when I got there. Various kinds of school clubs took part in the activity, such as the cartoon club, the guitar club and so on. My heart was lit up when I saw the poster of the basketball club, where a lot of students had already gather to enroll. I used to be keen on playing basketball, and at that moment, with a sudden desire to pick up my old hobby, I walked straight to the table of the basketball club. After exchanging some basic information, I signed my name in the application from without hesitation. To my delight, all the former members gave me a warm welcome.The most exciting moment came when the


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