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《荷马史诗》人物内涵(国外英文资料) The cultural connotation of the characters of Homer epic Lin Guangze Abstract: if the Homer in a series of portraits of hero is the epic of the eternal artistic charm of important basis, so they show very profound culture is the deep returning for portraits of hero eternal vitality. The ancient Greek cultural spirit was condensed and carried forward by their existence. Keywords: Homer epic; Heroes; The overall style; Spiritual features; humanism a The Homer epic is one of the main legacies of the greeks, brought into the civilized age by the barbaric age. To this day, it is still able to give us the enjoyment of art. Epic unshakable historical position, of course, and the formation of lasting value for various reasons, but we believe that the most important one of the reasons, it is in the Homer epic alive many vivid characters hero, they are rich and colorful culture in ancient Greece, but it bears fruit. In them, they not only fully demonstrate their colorful personality, but also represent the essence of ancient Greek cultural spirit. We can say, Homer through its like the shape of a hero group, completed the frames and publicity of the ancient Greek culture spirit, we through the vivid characters in the epic image real feelings to the infinite vigor of the ancient Greek culture spirit. First, through a group like the shape of hero, Homer for our shows the ancient Greek culture spirit of the whole style, the spirit of adventure, struggle and fight for it. After which people, the idea that govern the advocation of savage primitive race constitute the basic morphology was existed in the primitive society, so all aspects of the ancient greeks living style and behavior all is symbiosis with which the social fashion of advocation. Such as in the Iliad, narrative language, in its characters, characters of the action, even in depicting a scene one content (e.g., like silk, satin HuiXiu, sculpture and shield weapons, etc.), always showed the war and t


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