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《字母不等式的说错练习》教学课例评析(国外英文资料) Lead to learning tasks - provide seemingly the simplest questions Teacher: in the study of inequality, it is often the inequality that contains the letter, which is easy to make mistake. Today, we want to make a concerted effort to find out the wrong nodes, so that we can better understand the learning of inequality in effective prevention and error. Today the teacher give one of the most simple inequality x 1, believe that nothing is more simple, but need you to constantly reinvent it make it contains letters, look for errors in the seemingly simple form of law, we first make it contains a letter. (2) to form a dialogue topic and to open a teaching dialogue -- at first, there are many opportunities for speculation Student 1: my inequality is x a. Student 2: I think its better to use ax 1. T: please take a look. Which is more suitable and valuable? Living beings: inequality x a look is with a letter, but heres a only up to a constant, and no essential difference between the original inequality x 1... In ax, 1, a is the coefficient of x, the function of the parameter. That makes sense. In this case, if you have one letter in x 1, there are usually only two cases. One is as a constant, like x, , a + 1, x , x , a, 2, and so on, and its essentially x, a; And the other is when it appeared on the x factor is a parameter, and has changed, there are essential differences, such as 1, 2 + 1) (a 1, (a +) x x 1, etc., all belong to this type of ax 1. (3) to form a collision, to deepen the teaching dialogue -- mistakes are repeated, and they are constantly rectified T: thats very good. From the discussion we can find that, although look there are a lot of this kind of problem, also very miscellaneous, but as long as we classify, find out some representative problems to solve, can solve the problem of a class. Now lets look at the problem of having two letters. Student: its x a plus b, ok? Student 2: sure, but its the same thing as x 1, x


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