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九个月婴儿的护理(国外英文资料) ... Nine months of baby care One, nine months of parenting To fully crawl and promote the harmonious development of sensory integration; 2, help to walk and increase outdoor activity time. Increase the familys mental game program; Praise the childs language and movement development; Pay attention to safety and hygiene. Second, the muscle movement ability training of the size Stand up and sit down Let children holding something or lying position from holding a hand to stand up, when position made him 3 ~ 5 minutes with a toy, to hold hands slowly sit down, stand than sit down easy, after a few minutes, adult should help to sit, to avoid fatigue. 2, fowlers sitting up Let the child lie on his back or lie down, sign him up with words, motions, or make him sit up with toys and food. Praise him, make him sit more comfortable and more balanced. 3, sit back and crawl A child will be moved by the seat of his or her seat, and then the child will be crawling with his hands and feet, and he will move forward, and he will be free to crawl and crawl. Note also exercise crawling speed, some parents dont let the children learn to climb, crawl can take turns to make the body weight, muscle endurance training, but large cerebellum at the coordination promote nervous system development, through the contrast and learned that after crawling training can promote childrens reading and thinking in images, this age full practice have been the biggest. Take your hands and walk Standing on the ground and holding hands to encourage it is a milestone in the development of behavior. 5, do baby fuck Do the baby exercises, practice the upper and lower limbs to stand and walk, and practice the movement of picking and squatting. 6, let it go And children play a variety of toys, he consciously put hands toys or other objects in the specified place, can give demonstration, to imitate, and repeatedly motioned him with words put of xx, xx. The action of the hand is controlled by the g



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