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以万千民间组织修补社会撕裂(国外英文资料) On July 14, the 10th session of guangdong provincial committee concluded. The theme of the conference is social innovation, which emphasizes that strengthening social construction and innovation is a profound change. In the afternoon news conference, the guangdong provincial party committee, vice secretary of Zhu Mingguo introduced said decision on strengthening the construction of society, in guangdong province will open channels of migrant workers in cities, encourage social organization arises at the historic moment, grow up, by the end of the 12th five-year, there will be millions of social workers in guangdong, the assignment in the power of the government play a role in the social space. The government will also be transformed by the all-powerful government into a limited government. The meeting was a boost for the public. , frankly, guangdong the advancing social construction and management innovation, can see the local rulers vision, promote social progress of efforts and wisdom, also cannot rule out the effects of the reversed transmission social crisis. It is not hard to see that there is consistency in the series of events that have affected social stability in guangdong. That is, as the economy develops, the risk of social tears is growing. Social tear included in the traditional sense we look at Chinese peoples is social strata and tear, including conflict between locals and foreigners with more tear, conflict between urban and rural, tearing, rich and poor differences lead to conflict between people, tearing, even, from the choice of new generation migrant workers above, also can see the power structure, growth, youth and their parents were used path between the opposition and tear. And if we put the events in the timeline, it is not hard to see how things are going, and where they go. In fact, as the forefront of reform and opening up, guangdong has always led the endeavor, and from the Angle of the construction of civil society


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