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尊严:自尊、受尊重与尊重(国外英文资料) Dignity: self-esteem, respect and respect Dignity is an individuals right. Dignity includes respect, respect, and respect for three components. At the beginning of the last century, skinner The relationship between dignity and individual freedom, autonomy, and social control and justice has been seriously considered. Later research found that respect Yan is also associated with peoples ability, power, power and status in social interaction. Keyword dignity; Self-esteem; Respected; respect Classification number B849: C91 Dignity, like life, is important to everyone . In 1948, the first article in the universal declaration of human rights wrote, man Life is free, equal in dignity and rights, they give There is reason and conscience, and should be dealt with in the spirit of brotherhood. But in real life, dignity is threatened by many threats Damage. Premier wen jiabao stressed twice this year: what we have done It is all about making people happier and more dignified. Make society more just and harmonious! How to protect the people Dignity? To answer this question, we must first understand the dignity. What is dignity? The oracle of zun is wa, the meaning is asperger, namely The utensils used in ritual such as sacrifice are related to sacrifice It means sacrosanct, the development of heavy, expensive, large, Righteousness: birth. There is a tight, urgent, respectful, and a sense of justice. From the heart In a rational sense, dignity refers to the human and human characteristics What is possessed of a thing should be respected by itself, by others, and not by others The property of aggression, the attribute of dignity participates in interpersonal interaction, and is in it It manifests itself as the act of respecting the other persons initiative and connection Passive results that are respected by the other person. If the active and the passive are The same individual, respect becomes self-esteem. Talk about self-esteem, not about self-esteem Talk


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