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小学品德教育之我见(国外英文资料) I saw it in elementary school, education By zhang zhiyu Class of class: move west elementary school character class Key words: the morality education method 2009-10-29 00:00.00 The moral character, education, is an educators practice of cultivating the qualities of an educator. It is conditioned by the law of social development and dependent on human psychology. It is based on the understanding, but it guides the student to grasp main ideas, ethics, formed the student to the things right and wrong, good or bad, the ability to identify and evaluate the beauty and ugliness, good and evil, it has historic, in class society characterized by distinct class character. There are some in the development of the societys moral norms of all mankind, need to be inherited through moral education, as a result, it also has certain inheritance. Young people are in long knowledge, long body development period, the plasticity is very big, this decides they are easy to accept the correct guidance, also be susceptible to bad influence. Therefore, primary school students should strengthen the moral character education and make full use of the positive factors in their age characteristics to help them set up a scientific world. First, raise the awareness of the moral character of primary school from the whole society and family. The moral quality of thought is the moral principle of a certain society or class, the embodiment and coagulation of the norm in the individual. It is the tendency and characteristics of the more stable morality that is expressed in a series of behaviors between people, between people and society. It is a comprehensive category of the unity of the informed. Moral character is not innate, also is not a personal nature, its formation and development, are all derived from society, is in the social life practice gradually cultivate and exercise; It has been gradually formed in the social environment; Family moral education is to point to by parents


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