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酸的化学通性说课稿6(国外英文资料) (4) the chemical equation of the students writing response: Zn + H2SO4 (5) the teacher led the students to the conclusion that the acid can be replaced by the more active metal (e.g., magnesium, zinc, iron, aluminum), releasing hydrogen and producing salt. Acid reacts with salt (1) guide memory: what is the laboratory using to produce carbon dioxide gas to write the chemical equation, and how does the acid react with salt? (2) teachers experiment demonstration: in a test tube with nitric acid in a test tube, drip into the dilute hydrochloric acid, and then add a few drops of dilute nitric acid, and let the students observe what is happening? (3) describe the experiment phenomenon: white precipitate is produced, and white precipitate is not soluble in dilute nitrate. (4) the chemical equation of the response: CaCO3 + 2HCl = equal to cac + H2CO3 (5) the students concluded that the acid can react with certain salt to form new acids and salt. The reaction of acids and metal oxides (1) guide: metal rust, rust, surface rust removal, (2) the teacher demonstrated the experiment: add the copper oxide powder in the test tube, add dilute sulfuric acid, heat up the alcohol lamp, keep oscillating and observe the changing situation. (3) let the students describe the experiment: the black copper oxide powder gradually dissolves and the solution changes from colorless to blue. (4) the chemical equation of the reaction was written by the students and teachers (5) the students concluded that the acid reacts with certain metal oxides and produces salt and water. The reaction of acids and bases (1) direct memory: is there a hypochondriac and alkali reaction? Experiments demonstrate: (2) teachers in NaOH solution in the test tube, a few drops phenolphthalein solution (phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator, in acid remains the same in alkali turned red), then by drops in dilute HCl, and oscillation, observe change of the solution. (3) let the students describe the


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