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问句和反义疑问句(国外英文资料) must N t tell Its ehrs, must We? He should N t drive So fast, should He? You are N t English, are You? John The was The not There, The was He? Special circumstances I am right, arent I? Arent I (not amnt I) You have to go, dont You? You (do) have to go... I have been answering, havent I? Use the first aid Nothing came in the post, did it? Nothing, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Lets go, shall we? Lets = let us Hed better do it, hadnt He? He had better (no words) Look at the following sentences: But you dont really love her, do you? This will work, wont it? Well, I couldnt help it, could I? But youll tell me if she calls, wont you? Wed never have known, would We? The weathers bad, isnt it? You wont be late, will You? Nobody knows, do they? Note: when we use the antisense questions asking for help, with negative presentation of antisense questions, so very friendly, very polite, such as: Where is the police station? Not polite Do you know where the police station is? A polite You wouldnt know where the police station is, would You? polite E.g: You dont know of any good jobs, do You? You couldnt help me with my homework, could You? You havent got $10 to lend me, have You? The Answers to the tag questions How do you answer the question Because of our Chinese thinking system, such responses are the easiest to make mistakes and the most confusing for native English speakers. For example, everyone knows that snow is white, so lets look at the following sentence: A rhetorical question Correct answer Snow is white, isnt it? Snow is white, isnt it? Yes (it is). Yes, the snow is white. In both cases, the answer is the same because the snow is white But note that when the responders do not agree with the speaker, the stress changes Snow isnt white, is it? Snow is not white, is it? Yes, it is! No, the snow is white. Isnt it? Snow is black, isnt it? Snow is black, isnt it? No, it isnt! No, the snow is not black. In both cases, the answer is the same because


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