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2012八年级暑假作业答案 art drama Yan fengying - huangmei opera; Yu-yu opera; Mei lanfang -- Peking Opera; New fengxia -- drama; Yan fengying - huangmei opera 2, slightly facebook Green -- chivalrous; Blue - brutal; Yellow - fierce; Gold - fairies; Silver - ghosts 2, slightly The language (p8 - p15) A collection of applications (1) the use of the word (a revised idiom); It was love at first sight; Incomparable. Reputation; Through the ages. Rejoice; Get carried away. Fondle admiringly. Follow ones inclinations. Down to earth. Perfect; Courage; Stand out in a crowd. Proud; Guess; Absorbing point; Fun; After a storm comes a calm. I did it my way; Leading all the way; Shocking; Rejoice; Suit the remedy to the case. To hide. Keep improving; Judge a book by its cover. Virtue; Lifelong regret; Hope that you are well. Business needs; Be satisfied. (2) poems and phrases 【 direct silently write 】 1, the grass color remote see close but not 2, green Yang Yin the bai sha dike 3, the withered cane old tree the old tree of the old tree of the old tree the thin horse 4, the frightened beach head say the fear Understand write 】 【 1, the sea, the residual night, stories in the last 2, learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous. 3, to the dead silk side, ended.candles burn 4, women do not know hate of subjugation, river of backyard flower. Migration write 】 【 1, and will be more straight to the sea in full sail (not only) 2, absolutely be ling, see the mountains small (or: to cheer, to the next level) 3, look at the bright moon, bowed their heads and remembering home (not only) 4, empty mountain XinYu, late autumn weather (not only) Use write 】 【 1, in front of the water is to the west, Hugh will hair yellow chicken 2, to cheer, to the next level 3, swift horse often, but bole not often 4, there is companion come from afar, joy (3) the classics reading 1, 2, (1) slightly higher Qiu (3) (2) the dragon wu3 da4 lang2 flower glory (5) to (4) long shot short (6) foo


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