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毕业设计(论文) ( 2008届 ) 论文题目 SAN和NAS存储网络的研究和设计 Scheme of Integrating NAS with SAN SAN和NAS存储网络的研究和设计 内容摘要 数据密集应用的飞速发展促进了信息存储、接收、处理和传送新方法的发展。传统的服务器附属存储(SAS)结构缺乏可测性、可靠性、带宽、等待时间以及可管理性,因此无法处理日益发展的数据存储和接收要求。存储的联网需要打破SAS结构的瓶颈。网络附属存储(NAS)和存储区域网络(SAN)能够更好地处理这一问题。 NAS和SAN是作为独立的网络存储技术发展的。它们都受到一些问题的影响。SAN的客户无法很容易地通过不同型号的计算机从一个数据图像处分享信息。光纤通道的SAN只有10公里远。另一方面,NAS存储被限制在NAS服务上,是无法再分配的。NAS系统无法支持那些基于块状的应用,需要独立的管理。NAS和SAN都无法主导网存储技术,它们是互补的,当应用适当的时候,能够带来无尽的益处。所以最终的认识是将NAS和SAN结构融合起来。 目前,有几种将NAS融合进SAN的方法。NAS可以作为SAN起作用的前端程序,而SAN则可以用作NAS存储模块的一种形式。SAN还可以为NAS提供备份。在每一种情况下,目标都是将NAS存储与光纤通道开关连接起来。这些技术都不是基于各个装置的,而是基于整个的结构。 我们将会呈现一个将NAS和NAS融合起来的新方法,这是一种基于装置水平的方法。 关键词:网络存储,SAN,NAS,融合 ,光纤通道 A New Scheme of Integrating NAS with SAN ABSTRACT The rapid growth of data intensive applications drives the development of new methods forstoring, accessing, managing, and delivering information. Traditional Server Attached Storage(SAS) architecture lacks the scalability, reliability, bandwidth, latency, and manageability, and can not handle the growing data storage and access requirements. The networking of storage evolves to break the bottlenecks of SAS architecture. Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Network (SAN)enable management to realize more benefits. NAS and SAN evolve as separate network storage technologies. They are all impacted by some problems. The client of SAN can not share information easily through heterogeneous computers from a single data image. A fiber channel SAN (FC-SAN)is limited to 10 km. On the other hand, the storage of NAS is fastened behind the NAS server and not re-assignable. An NAS system can not support the block-based application and requires separate administration. Neither NAS nor SAN can dominate the network storage technology. They are complementary and can provide enormous benefits when properly deployed. The ultimate realization will be in the eventual unification of NAS and SAN architectures Currently, there are several ways to integrate: VAS into



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