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HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2008 7 , 30(7): 815―820 ISSN 0253-9772 综 述 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2008.00815 DNA 1 2 胡影 , 倪虹 1. , 300071; 2. , 300071 : 游离循环DNA 是一种细胞外游离状态的DNA, 在动植物及人的体液中都检测到了它的存在。对游离循 环 DNA 的检测已经应用在疾病的监控、胎儿的产前诊断及肿瘤的研究中。文章介绍了循环DNA 的生物学特 征, 并对近年来游离循环DNA 的研究和应用进展做了简单的回顾。 : 游离循环DNA; 疾病诊断; 肿瘤; 产前诊断 Advance in human free circulating DNA 1 2 HU Ying , NI Hong 1. College of Life Science, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; 2. Medical College, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China Abstract: Free circulating DNA is one kind of extracellular free DNA, which was examined in the zoology, botany and the human’s body fluid. The detection of free circulating DNA had already been applied in monitoring the disease, embryo’s pre-natal diagnosis, tumor research. This article reviewed some biology characteristics of free circulating DNA, the recent researches of free circulating DNA and its application. Keywords: free circulating DNA; the diagnosis of disease; tumor; prenatal diagnosis (Free circulating nucleic acids) DNA, 20 60 , DNA[2], Mandel Metais DNA RNA , DNA[3, 4] , DNA [5] DNADNA , RNase , Dnase , DNA 1 DNA


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