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欧 洲 观 察 European Survey 2017年第 3 期·总第 142 期 ◎ 郑春荣:欧盟逆全球化思潮涌动的原因与表现 ◎ 学会举行学术研究部研究员聘任仪式 ◎ 欧洲动态 (2017年2 月1 日-28 日) European Survey 2017.3 FeatureTopics ☞ DeglobalizationintheEuropeanUnion:ManifestationsandDrivers Brexit and Trump’s upset victory in the U.S. presidential election, both are related to the impacts of globalization and in fact the result of the trend of deglobalization.The cause ofthis trend ofthought isthat the process of globalization has led to the formation of a new structural cleavage in the West, which pits winners against losers. If we regard the globalization as a process of modernization, then, “modernization losers”thesis can generally explain the surging deglobalization thoughts.The intensified socialpolarization and inequality within the EU since the global financial crisis laid the foundation for the “modernization losers” thesis. This paper focuses on the analysis of the EU’s three “deglobalization phenomenon,”i.e.,the riseofright-wingpopulistparties,Brexit,andthe growingtrend oftradeprotectionism.On thebasisofthis, the paper briefly analyzes the boosting effect of the Trump’s election for the deglobalization thoughts within theEU. ☞ 哨EHeldaCeremonyofAppointmentfor哨tsResearchection nd On February 22 , 2017, the Shanghai Institute for European Studies (SIES) held a ceremony of appointment for its academic research section. For the purpose of strengthening its academic research on European affairs, 8 scholars were formally appointed to theposition of research professor and constitute the faculty of the research section of SIES. These 8 scholars are:XIN Hua, JIAN Junbo, ZHANG Ji, SONG Lilei, ZHU Miaomiao, DAI Yichen, LONG Jing, JI Lei. SIESpresident XU Mingqi awarde


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