lecture 1 汉英语言类型对比与翻译(综合语与分析语).ppt

lecture 1 汉英语言类型对比与翻译(综合语与分析语).ppt

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lecture 1 汉英语言类型对比与翻译(综合语与分析语)

汉英语言类型对比与翻译 Lecture One 汉英语的形态学分类 I. Case Study 将下列汉语译成英语,并观察分析双语表意手段的不同。 1. 将两种文化视为一体。 Two cultures are taken as a whole. 2. 将两种文化各自视为一体。 Two cultures are taken as wholes. 3. 他们过去是相爱的,但现在已没有什么感情可言了。 They loved each other and there is no love lost between them. 4. 每场比赛他们都败在客队的手下。 In every game, they were bested by the visitors. 【讨论】汉语和英语在语法意义的表达上具有不同取向:汉语偏向采用词汇手段,以词汇表意;英语偏向采用词的曲折变化形式,以形态表意,包括名词的单复数,动词的时态、体态、语态,形容词和副词的比较级,代词的格等。 II. Important Concepts 1. Linguistic typology?(语言类型学) is a field of?linguistics that studies and classifies languages according to their structural and functional features. Its aim is to describe and explain the common properties and the structural diversity of the world's languages. 2. Morphology?(形态学;词态学) is the study of words (how they are formed) and their relationship to other words in the same language.?It analyzes the structure of words and parts of words, such as?stems, root words,?prefixes, and?suffixes. Morphology also looks at?parts of speech, intonation and stress, and the ways?context can change a word's pronunciation and meaning. In other words, morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies patterns of word formation (构词) within and across languages and attempts to formulate rules that model the knowledge of the speakers of those languages. Rules of the first kind are inflectional rules, while those of the second kind are rules of?word formation. II. Important Concepts For example, the generation of the English plural?dogs?from?dog?is an inflectional rule, while compound phrases and words like?dog catcher or dishwasher are examples of word formation. Informally, word formation rules form "new" words, while inflection rules yield variant forms of the "same" word, which may be different in grammatical sense. Accordingly, morphology?is generally divided into two fields: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology. And There is a further distinction between two types of word formation: derivation?an


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