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Memo (Memorandum) 备忘录 Designed by: Karl Peng Contents 1.概述(introduction) 2.格式(form) 3.常用词汇(vocabulary) 4.常用句型(sentence patterns) 5.示范(Sample) 6.作业(assignment) 1. 什么是备忘录? 备忘录,又称备忘便条,是公司内部最普通的书面交流方式,用来提醒或引起别人对某事的注意,在日常商务活动中,快速、有效地传递信息,如升职、开会通知、宣布公司政策等。 2. 备忘录的组成部分: 两部分: 1、标题(heading):收件人(to)、发件人(from)、日期(date)和主题(subject) 2、信息部分(message):比书信短,不需客套话和抬头称呼,也不需结尾写上“yours sincerely”。通常用常用词,短句和短的段落。 有的备忘录需留副本,要加上CC(副本,carbon copy 的缩写) 3. 常用词 staff 工作人员,职员    supervisor 主管 personnel manager 人事经理  department 部门    branch 分支,分行 concerning 有关的  relating to 与..有关的 blood donation 献血  payroll 工资单 recruitment 招聘  promotion 升职,促销 appoint 委任   assume one’s duties 正式任职 supplier 供货商    order 订单 delivery 发送,传递   shipment 装运 project 方案,项目  procedure 程序 schedule 时间表,进度表   drive 运动,活动 4. 常用句型 1、每一年我们同红十字会合作,安排特定地点供我们的员工献血。 Each year we work with the Red Cross in setting up a special room for blood donations from employees. 2、持续一天的活动将于星期五午饭后进行。 The one-day drive kicks off after lunch on Friday. 3、任何献血员工星期五下午带薪休假。 Anyone who donates blood can take Friday afternoon off with pay. 4、Albert Darlington已经离开我公司,不再担任办公室主任,此令即时生效。 Effective immediately, Albert Darlington has left our company and is no longer the office manager. 5. John Smith 担任市场部经理,立马上任。 John Smith has been appointed the marketing manager and has assumed his duties immediately. 6.对部门方案和程序的任何疑问请直接提交给总经理。 Any questions relating to the department projects or procedure should be addressed directly to general manager. 5. 示范练习: 时间:2007年5月1日 发出者:John Miller, 经理 送达:全部职员 内容:安排员工向红十字会献血活动,时间为星期五午饭后,地点为主会议室四楼,根据董事长Gole Sam指示,所有献血者均可星期五下午带薪休假,联系电话为020。 Date: 1 May, 2007 Subject: blood donation From: John Miller, Manager To: all staff Good news! Each year we work with the Red Cross in setting up a special room for blood donations from employees. This year the one-day drive kicks off after lunch on Friday and will be held in the main conference room on the fourth floor.


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