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第 38卷第 12期 无机盐工业 2006年 12月         INORGAN IC CHEM ICALS INDUSTRY       9 * , , ,, (, 113001)    :(LiFePO ), 、 4 、( 170 mA h /g)、、、, (LiCoO )。 2 , , 、、, 。   :;;   :TQ131. 11  :A  :1006 -4990(2006)12 - 0009 -04 P rogress in m od ification of positive elec trod e m aterial of L iFePO4 for L i - ion battery Zhou M ingtang, LiQ,i Q iao Q ing ong, Y ang Tangming, Sun Yue (Co lleg e of P etrochem ica l E ng in eering, L iaon ing Un iversity of P etroleum Ch em ica l Techno logy, L iaon ing F ushun 113001, Ch ina)   Ab strac:t A s a new type positive electro e material for lith ium ion battery, olivine lithium iron phosphate has a van ta- ges of abun ance source, low cos,t high specific theory capacity (abou t 170 mA h /g), goo therm al stability, little hygro- scop icity an environm en tal frien ly. It can be expecte as the first can i ate of positive electro em aterial instea of lithium cobaltate(LiCoO )for lithium ion battery. The structu ral characteristic an the extraction - insertion m o el in charging / i-s 2 charging of olivine - type positive electro em aterial of LiFePO for Li - ion battery are analyze . The progresses in mo ifie 4 research of electrochem ical properties of LiFePO at home an ab roa in recen t years are reviewe . E specially the effects of 4 the m etho s of op tmi izing syn thetic technology, improving the efficiency of iffusing ions an a ing the con uctivem aterials on the LiFePO are intro uce, an the


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