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29 5 动 力 工 程 Vol. 29 No. 5 2009 5 Journal of Power Engineering M ay. 2009 :2009) :T 225 :A :470.30 李立人, 陈 玮, 盛建国, 吴祥鹏, 毛荷芳 ( , 200240) : 介绍了锅炉受压元件高温蠕变 劳寿命的设计计算方法. 该方法建立在线弹性应力分析 理论基础上, 对我国锅炉制造业长期积累的锅炉受压元件寿命设计计算经验和方法进行了归纳总 结,并参照了美国ASME 等国际先进标准. 它给出了电站锅炉高温受压元件蠕变低周 劳及交互 作用条件下的寿命损伤计算方法和典型结构及材料的设计计算参数, 可供水管锅炉高温受压元件 寿命设计使用, 在役元件的高温蠕变及高温蠕变 劳寿命计算也可借鉴. : 电站锅炉; 高温受压元件; 设计计算方法;蠕变 劳; 寿命损伤 CreepFatigue Life Designand CalculationMethod for Boiler Pressure Elements Under Elevated Temperature LI L iren, CH EN Wei, SH ENG J ianguo, W U X iangp eng , MA O H ef ang (Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute, Shanghai 200240, China) Abstract: T he creepfatigue life design and calculation method for boiler pressure elements under elevated temperature was introduced. Based on the theory of linear elastic stress analysis, the method sums up the experience and method accumulated by Chineseboiler manufacturing industry over a long period of time for creepfatigue life design and calculation of boiler pressure elements under elevated temperature. It also refers to the international advanced standard such as ASME, etc. It gives the life damage calculation method under elevated temperature creep, low cycle fatigue and interaction condition, typical structure and material design parameters of the pressure elements of power boiler. It can be used for life design of pressure elements of water tube boiler under elevated temperature. It also offers a reference for the creep and creepfatigue life calculation of pressure elements of in service boilers under elevated temperature. ey words: station boiler; pressure elements under elevated temperature; design calculation method; creep fatigue; life damage


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