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29 1 V o l129, N o1 1 200 8 2 Journal of Bu ild ing S tructures F eb1 2008 : 1000-6869 ( 2008 01-0031-09 1 2 3 3 程光煜 , 叶列平, 许秀珍 , 崔鸿超 ( 1. , 100084; 2. , 100084; 3. , 200135 : , 7 3 , , , ; , ; , , : ; ; ; : TU3521 1 TU 31711 : A Expermi ental researches on buck ling-restra ined brace 1 2 3 3 CHENG Guangyu , YE L iep ing , XU X iu zhen , CU I Hongchao ( 1. D epartm ent of C ivil Engin eering, T s inghua U n ivers ity, Beijing 100084, Ch in a; 2. K ey Laboratory of Structural Eng ineering and V ibration o fM in istry of E du cation of Ch ina, T s inghua U n ivers ity, Beijing 100084, Ch ina; 3. Ch in aM ajesty Structure D es ign and Con su ltant Inc. , Shangh ai 200135, Ch ina A bstract: Based th e app licat ion of bu ckling-restrain ed b races ( BRB u sing re inforced concrete as th e restrain ing part, wh ich w ere firstly u sed in an actual bu ild ing structure in Ch ina, th e exp ermi enta l stud ies of seven BRB specmi en s and three conventional steel braces w ere presented in th is paper. The d ifferent behav iors b etw een th e BRB s and the conventional braces w ere compared b ased on the test resu lts. It show s that th e BRB s u sed in th e con struction can fu lly develop both the tens ile and the comp ress ive strengths of the core stee,l and m eet the requ irem ent to p revent the buckling of BRB s before th e yield of the core steel. In add it ion, th e unbonded m easu re b


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