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2006 1 J nu ry 2006 26 1 B sic Clinic l Medicine Vol. 26 No. 1 : 10 0 1632 5( 20 06 ) 0 1002 708 AMPK * 解雪芬, 朱 毅 ( , 100083) : , AMP ( AMPK) AMPK AMP/ ATP ATP , AMP/ ATP , AMPKAMPK AMPK , , ATP , , , ATP AMPK , , ghrelin AMPK, , AMPK , 2 , AMPK , AMPK : ; AMP ; ; 2 : R589 : A AMPK nd met bolic syndrome * XIE Xuefen, ZHU Yi ( Dep rtment of Physiology nd P thophysiology, School of B sic Medic l Science, Peking University, Beijing 100083, Chin ) Abstract: Imb l nce of energy met bolism is m jor c use for met bolic syndrome. AMP ctiv ted protein kin se (AMPK) is centr l component of protein kin se c sc de th t pl ys pivot l role in the regul tion of intr cellul r en ergy st tus. AMPK ctivity is response to the r tio of AMP/ATP in the cell. When stress c uses n inhibition of ATP production or n incre se of ATP consumption, cellul r AMP/ATP r tio incre ses, AMPK is ctiv ted. Once ctiv ted, AMPK initi tes series of responses to restore the energy b l ncewithin the cell. AMPK switches on c t bolic p thw ys, such s f tty cid oxid tion nd glycolysis, to gener te ATP, nd switches off n bolic p thw ys, such s f tty cid syn thesis nd protein synthesis, to reduce ATPconsumption. Therefore, AMPK functions in n ide l position not only s n energy sensor t cellul r level, but lso s pivot l pl yer in the regul ting p thw ys th t control both energy expenditure nd energy int ke, in p rticul r by medi ting the effects of hormones nd cytokines such s leptin, diponec


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