46e Nrws AND NOTES it would seem that, if we get a line on the….pdf

46e Nrws AND NOTES it would seem that, if we get a line on the….pdf

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46e Nrws AND NOTES it would seem that, if we get a line on the…

News and Notes J ANIM SCI 1945, 4:462-464. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: /content/4/4/462 Downloaded from by guest on April 24, 2012 46e N r w s AND NOTES it w o u l d seem that, if w e get a line on the qualities, good and bad, of each s t u d e n t while he is a freshman, the proper procedure could be developed so t h a t each s t u d e n t could at least be made cognizant of his weaker points and tactfully offered suggestions as to h o w bad habits might be s u p p l a n t e d w i t h those of a s o m e w h a t b e t t e r sort. N E W S A N D N O T E S An announcement in the August issue indicated that the Executive Committee of the American Society of Animal Production had decided to cancel the annual meeting for i94 ~. Owing to the end of the war, the question of holding a meeting again arose. An O.D.T. limit of ~5o persons attending conferences is still in effect, and the travel and hotel situation is still unsatisfactory, hence the Executive Committee has reaffirmed its earlier decision, and no meeting will be held this year. The Nominating Committee, consisting of George A. Brown (Chairman), R. M. Bethke and G. H. Hart, recommended that the present officers of the American Society of Animal Production serve again during i946, or until an annual meeting is held and their successors duly elected. The Committee also stated that if the Executive Committee felt that it was necessary to hold an el



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