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肥东为民学校16-17学年度第一学期第一次月考 八年级英语 (时间:100分钟 总分:120分) 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共分) 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案(2’) 1. Guangzhou is _________ the south of China. A. in B. on C. to D. from 2. China is famous _____ the Great Wall. A. at B. for C. of D. as 3. _______ is the population of Hefei? A. How many B. How often C. How much D. What 4. ------What are you doing?牋 ------ I抦 reading ______ . A. today抯 newspaper牋 B. today newspaper? C. todays?newspaper? D. newspapers today 5. Did Lucy enjoy ______ at the party? A. her B. himself C. oneself D. herself 6. Our teacher is pleased ______us. A. as B. for C. with D. in 7. I’m 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am ______ Yao Ming. A. as tall as B. taller than C. not as tall as D. so tall as 8. There is ____ river in my hometown. A. two--metre--deep B . a two--metre--deep C. two metres deep D. a two metres deep 9. They don’t know what ______yesterday. A. did he happen B. he happened C. happened to him D. happened to he 10. Those stories are very______ , so Betty is ______ in them. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interesting C. interesting, interested D. interested, interested 11. He tries_____ English well, so he practises _______English every day. A. to learn; to speak B. learning; speaking C. to learn; speaking D. learning; to speak 12. _____speak more English in class? A. You should B. What about C. Why don’t D. Why not 13. ----Can he work out the maths problem? ----I think _____ hard for him to work it out. A. it’s B. that’s C. this is D. they’re 14. Mr. Lin gave us some _____ how to learn English well last week. A. advice on B. advices on C. advice in D. advices in 15. ----How about going for a walk outside? -----_______. A. I would be B. I like C. I do D. I’d like to 16. -_______ do you visit your grandmother? -Once a month. A. How often B. How l


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