2 关系代词_语法点详解(国外英文资料).doc

2 关系代词_语法点详解(国外英文资料).doc

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2 关系代词_语法点详解(国外英文资料)

2 关系代词_语法点详解(国外英文资料) 3.11 relative pronoun 1) relative pronouns are used to guide attributive clauses. It represents the antecedent, and at the same time in the clause for certain sentence components, such as: The girl to whom I spoke cousin. is my, the girl I speak with is my cousin. (in this sentence, whom stands for the antecedent word the girl and the object of the preposition to in the clause) Relative pronoun - Classification The relationship between a nominative accusative and Genitive pronouns, divided, and refers to the human and that of. In a restrictive attributive clause, that can refer to a person as well as an object. See table: ? Limitation? A person Non qualification Finger? Definiteness Of persons or objects Nominative? Who? Which? That? Uh? Whom? That? That? Genitive? Whose? Of which/whose? Of which/whose? This, is, the, pencil, whose, point, is, broken. This is the pencil whose tip is broken. (whose refers to an object; used as an attribute in a restrictive attributive clause) Relative pronoun - Usage Usage of the relative pronoun that? ? 1) without that (a) in guiding non restrictive attributive clauses (wrong), The, tree, that, is, four, hundred, years, old, is, very, famous, here., etc. B) We, depend, the, land, from, which, we, our, get, food., on after the preposition 2) the use of that as the relative pronoun of an attributive clause (a) in there be sentence patterns, use only that, not which. (b) in indefinite pronouns such as: anything, nothing, the, one, all, much, few, any, which, little, etc., the antecedent is used only with that, not as a word. C) the antecedent has the, only, the, and very, only that when modified. D) the first words are ordinal numbers, numerals and adjectives at the superlative level. Only that is used. (E) antecedent is both human and temporal. Several situations in which the relative pronoun Which can not be used 1. when the antecedent is all, little, much, few, everything, none and other indefinite pronouns, th


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