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2013~2014年丙烷脱氢(PDH)生产工艺路线剖析(国外英文资料) Analysis of production route of propane dehydrogenation (PDH) in 2013 ???? Abstract: compared with other production technology, to obtain propylene yield the same scale, infrastructure investment of propane dehydrogenation technology is relatively low, from the current domestic is the construction of the propane dehydrogenation capacity investment, nearly 10 thousand tons of approximately 50 million; production capacity reached 350 thousand tons / year, with economies of scale. ???? At present, propane dehydrogenation process are: (1) the Oleflex technology of UOP company; (2) Catofin ABB Lummus technology company; (3) Wood (Krupp Uhdewcng) STAR technology company; (4) Linde-BASF-Statoil jointly developed PDH technology has been industrialized; Catofin is the main process of Oleflex process ABB Lummus and UOP, UOP and Lummus two process routes are roughly the same, the difference is only part of dehydrogenation and catalyst regeneration. ???? The world has voted with nearly 20 sets of industrial propane dehydrogenation device, continuous moving bed technology for 14 sets of UOP Oleflex, ABB Lummus Catafin for 4 sets of circulation reactor technology, in addition to 1 sets of STAR process technology of Wood company, a total of about 6000000 tons of production capacity. Global capacity statistics for propane dehydrogenation to propylene (except China) ? Location Owned company Throughput Starting date for production Process route One Thailand Rayong Mata house PTT Ten point five One thousand nine hundred and ninety UOP-Oleflex Two Thailand ? Seven One thousand nine hundred and ninety-six UOP-Oleflex Three Malaysia ? Eight One thousand nine hundred and ninety-three UOP-Oleflex Four Malaysia ? Thirty Two thousand and one UOP-Oleflex Five The Republic of Korea Hyosung Sixteen point five One thousand nine hundred and ninety-one UOP-Oleflex Six The Republic of Korea TKI Twenty-five One thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven UOP-Oleflex Se


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