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TD339x244x139-70套管头使用说明书(国外英文资料) Panjin Liaohe oil field Tian Du Industrial Co., Ltd. instructions for use An instruction manual TDZS 339.7mm * 244.4mm * 139.7mm 70MPa integral casing head Panjin Liaohe oil field Tian Du Industrial Co., Ltd. Address: Panjin City, Liaoning drilling Committee, post code: 124010 Tel: 0427-7283659 Fax: 0427-7283659 1 Overview The TDZS 339.7mm * 244.4mm * 139.7mm 70MPa integral casing head is a new product developed by our factory according to the needs of the oilfield. The casing head is the basic device for drilling and development of oil and gas well. It is installed in the casing top, wellhead casing parts used for hanging and sealing casing annular space, suitable for deep well drilling process is a connecting device between the sleeve and the blowout preventer, and connection for completion and wellhead device. Compared with the split type casing head, the wellhead blowout preventer needs only one disassembly and assembly, thereby greatly improving the operation efficiency of the drilling operation. The basic parameters are as follows: Connection flange: 13 5/8 * 5000PSI (BX-160) Beside the mouth diameter: the upper 3 1/8 * 5000PSI (R-35) Lower layer 3 1/8 * 5000PSI (R-35) Reservoir casing: 5 1/2 (5 1/2 LCSG) Tech bushing: 9 5/8 (9 5/8 LCSG) Top casing: 13 3/8 (13 3/8 slips suspension) Working medium: oil, gas, mud Rated temperature: -46 DEG C, ~+82 DEG C (L) Product specification level: PSL2 Performance requirements level: PR1 Rated material level: EE - general acid condition Overall height: 1160mm 2 structure formation 2.1 TDZS 339.7mm * 244.4mm * 139.7mm 70MPa integrated casing head assembly is mainly composed of a casing body, 9 5/8 spindle type casing hanger, 5 1/2 spindle type casing hanger, threaded flange, joint, joint union lifting connecting part, beside the outlet is provided with two layers, which are respectively connected with the two casing annulus which can be connected with the 3 high pressure hose. 2.2 head casin


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