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初中物理复习课案例(国外英文资料) Case study of junior high school physics review Shacheng third Jia Yanting Innovative education is the need of the times, and it is the bounden duty of educators. We should not only have a high degree of understanding in ideology, but also focus on the implementation of actions. How can innovative education be implemented in compulsory education? How to implement it in class teaching? Especially in the mid-term exam review stage can not be implemented? How to implement? In accordance with the requirements of the curriculum standards, in order to explore how to implement innovative education during the review period of the senior middle school examination, this paper takes a research course of using buoyancy knowledge to measure the density of materials. I. guiding ideology of teaching design The new curriculum idea pays attention to draw the conclusion from the experiment, carries on the quality education to the student, must apply for study. In students learning activities, the teachers task is to help students establish an active and effective cognitive structure, and be a good guide and facilitator. Therefore, this section adopts experimental methods to introduce new courses, set suspense, arouse students thinking, stimulate students interest in learning and explore their desires, and make students become passive and accept them as active learning. Two, the basis of teaching design First of all, we recognize the existing difficulties: 1., in the third grade exam review stage of tension, tight time, heavy tasks, innovative education will affect the results of the examination, by students and parents against? 2., as an open class, we should have a good demonstration and guidance to the reform of classroom teaching mode. 3., the buoyancy part of mechanics is a difficult point. It is the lowest point of knowledge in the middle school entrance examination. In this point of knowledge, creative education can be carried out. Can students ability be ach


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