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多项选题(国外英文资料) A multiple-choice question Qing Construction Group Co., Ltd. Cheng Ruifeng 1, safety technology disclosure system is effective measures for construction units to effectively prevent (). A. dangerous operations B. violation command C. construction noise D. illegal operation E. casualties occurred The correct answer: B, D, E 2 which of the following construction units belong to the special operation personnel stipulated by our province? () A. timberman B. steel worker C. electrician Wagong D. E. electric (gas) welder The correct answer: A, C, E 3, according to the construction safety management regulations, which of the following operations personnel must be trained in accordance with relevant state regulations, and obtain special operations operating qualification certificates, before they can apply for job? () A. vertical transport machinery operator B. blasting personnel C. lifting signal worker D. height erection operator E. install the demolition worker The correct answer: A, B, C, D, E 4, according to the special operations personnel safety assessment management rules (GB530685), special operations personnel must possess the following basic conditions? () A. eighteen years old, but engaged in blasting operations and coal mine gas testing personnel, the age may not be less than twenty years of age B. is a conscientious and responsible person who is healthy and does not interfere with the diseases and physical defects involved in the work C. has the level of education and safety, expertise and practical experience required for this kind of job D. personnel engaged in blasting operations and underground gas testing shall not be less than twenty years of age E. above high school education The correct answer: A, B, C, D The following 5, which belongs to the security check hidden rectification sanding principle? () A. plan B. decides people C. fixed time D. measures E. is implemented The correct answer: B, C, D 6, according to the construction safety mana


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