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发散思维能力测试-(国外英文资料) Test of divergent thinking ability Directive language: this test tests your divergent thinking ability, altogether has 8 questions, each question has certain time limit, please complete each question as soon as possible within the stipulated time. 1. write out the words you can think of with the soil structure. The more you write, the better. (time: 5 minutes) 2. please list all possible uses of bricks. (time: 5 minutes) 3. please include various items that contain triangles. The more you write, the better. (time: 10 minutes) 4. as far as possible to imagine delta and what something similar? (time: 10 minutes) 5. classify the following items according to their nature: duck, spinach, stone, human, wood, vegetable oil, iron. (time: 5 minutes) 6. please say a cat is similar to a refrigerator. The more you say, the better. (time: 5 minutes) 7. give you two round (OO), two lines (| |) and two triangles (delta) please form a variety of meaningful patterns. (time: 15 minutes) 8., please write the various possible endings of the story in concise language (no more than 100 words) according to the following story. The more you write, the better. (time: 40 minutes) In ancient times, there were three brothers. Brother, brother of his lazy, industrious and intelligent. The three grew up and became the family. One day, the three brothers drink together, brother, brother suggested: from now on, we three people talking to each other no doubt, otherwise a penalty rice bucket. Drunk, the eldest brother said: you always said I was lazy, is now home to the hen a crow, I got up...... The third brother shook his head said: where is the hen crowing of the reason? Big brother hey hey smile, say: good!! If you dont take my word for it, count it. My next big brother said: Im not so diligent, so the family had chased the cat mouse squeak...... Third brother and brother shook his head and said proudly: you do not believe, also sent a bucket of rice. Later...... -------------



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