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园 艺 学 报 2014 ,41 (7 ):1521 –1522 http: // www. ahs. ac. cn Acta Horticulturae Sinica E-mail: yuanyixuebao@126.com 万寿菊新品种‘京越 1 号’ 1 1 1 2,* 1 张华丽 ,董爱香 ,王 涛 ,赵梁军 ,辛海波 1 2 (北京市园林科学研究院,绿化植物育种北京市重点实验室,北京 100102 ; 中国农业大学观赏园艺与园林系,北 京 100193 ) 摘 要:万寿菊新品种‘京越 1 号’系以雄性不育系 S-03 为母本,自交系 V-01 为父本杂交选育而成, 为中高株型一代杂种,花橘红色,蜂窝状。1 月 10 日播种,‘五一’用花盆栽株高可达25 ~ 28 cm ,冠幅 28 ~ 30 cm ,花径 8.6 ~ 9.5 cm,从播种至开花需要 90 d 。羽状复叶,叶长 16 ~ 20 cm,叶宽 14 ~ 16 cm, 具小叶 7 ~ 9 对。耐雨打,耐热,生长旺盛,适应性强。 关键词:万寿菊;杂交;品种 中图分类号:S 681 文献标志码:B 文章编号:0513-353X (2014 )07-1521-02 A New Cultivar of Marigold ‘Jingyue 1 ’ 1 1 1 2,* 1 ZHANG Hua-li ,DONG Ai-xiang ,WANG Tao ,ZHAO Liang-jun ,and XIN Hai-bo 1 (Beijing Key Laboratory of Greening Plants Breeding ,Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture ,Beijing 100102 , 2 China; Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Architecture ,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China) Abstract :Marigold cultivar ‘Jingyue 1 ’is developed from a cross of female parent (male sterile material )S-03 × male parent V-01. It is a medium-height F1 cultivar with orange and honeycomb flowers. It takes about 90 days from sowing to the first blooming and it meets the flower demand of ‘May day ’ holiday in Beijing. The potted plant is 25 –28 cm of height ,28 –30 cm of crown width and 8.6 –9.5 cm of flower diameter. Its pinnately compound leaf is 16 –20 cm in length and 14 –16 cm in width,with 7 – 9 pairs of leaflets. In addition,the new cultivar is resistant to rain and heat ,and has vigorous growth and well-adaptab


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