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城市绿地对空气负离子水平的影响 来源:城市环境与城市生态 URBANENVIRONMENT URBANECOLOG 第20卷5期 摘要:对扬州市不同绿地类型中空气负离子水平研究表明:城郊林和公园片林中空气负 离子浓度比城区其它类型绿地高出1倍左右,树龄、郁闭度和树高均是影响空气负离子浓度 的重要因子,城区绿地比城郊绿地中空气清洁度低。绿化能显著影响空气负离子浓度和空气 清洁度水平,各样地的测定值均为对照区的1~3倍,广场绿地和城郊林中空气清洁度达到对 照区的3~4倍,且林内比林缘空气负离子浓度有显著提高。不同植被组成的绿地中空气负离 子水平为高大乔木最优,灌草次之,空旷地最差。 关键词:城市绿地;空气负离子;空气清洁度 中图分类号:X173文献标识码:A文章编号(K)07088(原1002-1264)(2007)05-0006-04 EffectofUrbanGreenSpaceonAero-anionConcentration 1 2 3 CAIChun-ju ,WANGCheng ,TAOKang-hua ( 1. International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Key Laboratory of Science and Technology of BambooandRattan,StateForestryAdministration,Beijing100102,China; 2.TheResearchInstituteofForestry,CAF.UrbanForestryLab,Beijing100091,China; 3.CityInformationResearchCenter,ShanghaiNormalUniversity,Shanghai200234,China) Abstract Abstract AAbbssttrraacctt: To study aero- anion concentration at different type of urban green spaces in Yangzhou, the aero-anion concentration in four different kinds of forests at suburban area and urban public park were higher than that of urban green spaces. The tree age, canopy density and tree height were the dominant factors affecting the aero-anion concentration and CI value. The CI value for Urban green space was lower than that of suburban sample lands. Urban greening could remarkably influence the aero- anion concentration as well as the CI value at all sample zones. The two indexes values were about one to three times in comparison with non- greening zones. The CI value measured at square greening and suburban forest ( Deodar Cendar) attained three to four times of the control treatment and the aero- anion concentrations of the centre of the forests were significantly higher than at the edge of the forests. The level of aero - anion concentration in theurbangreenspaceformedbydifferentvegetationswastalltreesshrubandgrassopenspace. KeyWords KeyWords KKeeyyWWoorrddss:urbang


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