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在线旅游网站的现状与分析 摘要 随着电子商务在国内高速的发展,旅游电子商务也紧步后尘。它以网络为媒介,在旅游企业与旅游者之间搭建了一座便捷的桥梁,电子商务已经成为信息时代旅游交易的新模式,将直接影响到企业的盈利与否。截至2011年12月底,中国旅行预订用户达4207万人,用户年增长16.5%,极大分流了采用传统旅行方式的消费者。在线旅游网站的蓬勃发展势必会造成整个行业的格局的变革。 本文从我国在线旅游网站的发展现状出发,首先介绍了在线旅游网站的基本概念、旅游网站的分类、在线旅游的产业链等;其次介绍了我国主要视频网站的用户规模、市场规模、市场竞争分析以及在线旅游网站发展中存在的问题;然后介绍了我国在线旅游网站的盈利模式,提出合理建议,并以携程网为例,分析网站的商业模式及盈利模式等;最后,针对我国在线旅游的发展趋势,提出对在线旅游网站发展的建议。 关键词:在线旅游,比价搜索,盈利模式,携程网 PRESENT SITUATION AND ANALYSIS OF ONLINE TRAVEL ABSTRACT With the development of electronic commerce in high-speed development in China, tourism electronic commerce is also tightly follow. By network media, it sets up a convenient bridge between tourism enterprises and tourists, e-commerce has become a new mode of travel transactions in the information age, will directly affect the enterprises profit or not. Untill the end of the 2011,in China ,travel booking users reached 420.7million, the users grow 16.5% annual , greatly diverted by traditional ways of traveling consumers. Vigorous development of online travel sites will cause the entire industry pattern change. This article from the current situation of the development of online travel website in China, first introduced the basic concept of online travel website, website classification, online travel industry chain; secondly introduces the user scale, market scale, market competition analysis and the problems of online travel website ; then introduces the profit model of online travel website in China , put forward reasonable proposals, set Ctrip as an example, Analysis the business model and profit model; finally,According to the development trend of online tourism in China ,put forward development proposals for the online travel website . KEY WORDS:online travel, Price search, profit model, C 目 录 前 言 4 第1章 在线旅游的概述 5 1.1 在线旅游的定义 5 1.2 在线旅游的特点 5 1.2.1 整合性 5 1.2.2 交互性 6 1.2.3 快捷性 6 1.3在线旅游网站的类别 6 1.4 在线旅游的产业链分析 7 第2章 在线旅游网站的发展现状及问题 8 2.1在线旅游市场发展的阶段 8 2.2我国在线旅游网站的发展现状分析 9 2.3在线旅游企业竞争分析 12 2.4 我国在线旅游网站存在的问题 13 2.4


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