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卷 期 年 月 21 18 2015 9 Vol.21 No.18 Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy September.2015 新安医学妇科学术源流及特点探析 储继军 (湖北中医药大学,湖北 武汉 430063 ) [摘要] 探析了新安医学妇产科的学术源流及特点,列举了新安医学妇科名医名著,归纳了新安医学妇科学术思想,包括著 , ,穷理格物,成效卓 书立说、理论创新,创建新方 辨治立法,组方制药等等方面。认为数百年来,新安医学妇科流派治学严谨 然; 妇科名医,代出不穷;妇科医籍,卷帙宏富,名蜚杏林;学术发展,承前启后,垂青至今,应当继承其学术源流,不断提高中医药防 ,为群众健康服 。 治妇科病水平 务 关键词 新安医学;妇科;学术源流 [ ] 中图分类号 文献标识码 文章编号 ( ) [ ] R271 [ ] A [ ] 1672-951X 2015 18-0016-04 Study on the Academic Source and Characteristics of Gynecology of Xinan Medicine [Abstract] The article discussed the academic source and characteristics of Gynecology of Xinan Medicine, particularized famous doctors and famous work, and summed up the academic thoughts, such as writing books and setting up a theory, theo retical innovation, creating a new prescription, treatment of syndrome differentiation, and composition of prescription, and so on. The author thought that the clinical effect of Gynecology of Xinan Medicine is significant, the theory is strict, and there are many famous doctors and books. We should inheritance the theory, and improve our capability of prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases, to serve the health of the masses. [Key words] Xinan Medicine; Gynecology; Academic Source , 、门徒最众、著 皖南徽州,古称新安郡,宋宣和三年易名徽州 辖 庐江徐氏流派中,起源最早、名医最多 歙县、休宁、黟县、祁门、绩溪及婺源(今属江西)六县。 作最丰


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