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辣根栽培技术大揭秘 摘 要: 辣根,别名又叫西洋山萸菜,马萝卜,属十字花科辣根多年生宿根蔬菜。以内质根食用、其根内含有一种强烈的挥发油质物质,故有特殊的辛辣气味,主要用作肉类罐头的辛香料,日本食用的生鱼片时是必须的调味品。 Abstract: horseradish, alias called Atlantic Cornus dishes, horse radish, genus in Cruciferae perennial vegetable horseradish. Within a matter of edible root root, containing a volatile oily substances strongly, it is a special spicy smell, mainly used as a spice canned meat, the Japanese eat sashimi is must. 关键词:生长习性; 整地栽种; 田间管理 Keywords: growth habit; preparation plants; field management 1 辣根简介 1 horseradish.   别名:西洋山萸菜,马萝卜,属十字花科辣根多年生宿根蔬菜。以内质根食用、其根内含有一种强烈的挥发油质物质,故有特殊的辛辣气味,主要用作肉类罐头的辛香料,日本食用的生鱼片时是必须的调味品。我国自古将其入药,有利尿、兴奋神经的功效。 Alias: Atlantic Cornus dishes, horse radish, genus in Cruciferae perennial vegetable horseradish. Within a matter of edible root root, containing a volatile oily substances strongly, it is a special spicy smell, mainly used as a spice canned meat, the Japanese eat sashimi is must. China since ancient times the medicine, a diuretic, excitatory effect. 特征特性:辣根生长期2月上旬至11月上旬、亩产900 kg左右。株高60 cm左右,根圆柱形,肉质白色,皮厚,淡黄色、长30~50 cm,直径4~6 cm,须根四列,易生不定根,具有浓烈的辣味。短缩茎。 Characteristics: Mu horseradish growth period of early February to early November, about 900 kg. Plant height of about 60 cm, cylindrical, thick, fleshy white, pale yellow, long 30~50 cm, diameter 4~6 cm four column, fibrous roots, easy producing adventitious roots, with a strong spicy. The shortening stem. 2以江苏沛县辣根基地为例,现将有关栽培技术介绍 The 2 Jiangsu Peixian horseradish base as an example, we will introduce the cultivation technique   2.1生长习性 辣根性喜冷凉气候、但适应性强,具有较强的耐寒能力。冬季叶枯死,肉质根仍能越冬。生长温度-20~17 ℃。耐阴,适于半阴地栽培。生长发育的适温20 ℃左右。选种应选择生长健壮、在整个生长过程中无病虫害或者病虫害发生较轻的,长度15cm左右,粗1.0~1.5 cm的侧根为种根。 2.1 growth habit of horseradish likes the cold climate, but the strong adaptability, strong tolerance to cold. Winter leaves withered, fleshy root can still winter. The growth temperature of -20~17 ℃. Shade-tolerant, suitable for semi shade cultivation. The optimum growth temperature of about 20 ℃. Selection should choo


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