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江西省循环农业发展现状及建议   摘要 本文?要阐述了循环农业的概念及遵循的4项技术原则,进而对江西省循环农业的四大模式的发展现状进行分析,并提出发展过程中存在的问题,最后就今后促进循环农业发展提出了9条建议:①加强循环农业重要性、必要性教育,引导广大农民和基层干部自觉践行循环农业;②大力扶持种养大户、家庭农场及各种类型专业合作社,提高循环农业发展水平;③充分利用江西省丰富的光、温、水、土资源,挖掘种植潜力,调整种植模式,提高种植效益;④充分利用森林资源,发展林下经济,实现林农资源共享,优势互补、循环再生、协调发展;⑤大力推进秸秆直接还田,或通过沼气发酵、食用菌生产、加工有机肥再还田,实现农田有机质良性循环;⑥进一步完善以沼气为纽带的循环农业模式,实现农牧良性结合、种养殖业双赢;⑦大力扶持牧草种植,促进草食畜禽产业发展;⑧以循环理念带动生态旅游、庭院经济发展;⑨健全服务网络,加强科技支撑 关键词 循环农业;发展现状;问题;建议;江西省 中图分类号 F327 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2017)02-0258-04 Current Situation and Suggestions of Circular Agriculture Development in Jiangxi Province WANG Ping LI Yao XIA Wen-jian CHEN Xian-mao LUO Qi-xiang * (Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Resources and Environment,Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Red Soil Improvement,Nanchang Jiangxi 330200) Abstract This paper briefly described the concept of circular agriculture and the following four technical principles,analyzed the development status of the four modes of circular agriculture in Jiangxi Province,and put forward the problems in the process of circular agriculture development,at last summarized nine suggestions on how to promote the future circular agriculture in Jiangxi Province:①Emphasizing education in the importance and necessity of circular agriculture,which guide the peasants and grass-root cadres following the principle of circular agriculture in production spontaneously.②Vigorously support the large breeding,family farms and various types of agricultural cooperatives,which improve the development level of circular agriculture.③Make full use of the natural resources such as solar radiation,temperature,water and soil systems,which is the main means to develop planting potentiality,adjust the planting model,so as to enhance economical benefits.④Make full use of forest resources to develop under-forestry economy,share the resources of agriculture and forestry,which result the effect of complementary advantages,recycling


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