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河南省第八届翻译竞赛试题及参考译文 笔译类非英语专业组 I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese (50 Points): I noticed that the leaves on most of the trees in the woods where I often take my dogs have started to change color. Normally, they are green but during the autumn season here in eastern Canada, they start to turn into shades of red, yellow and orange. This is a regular seasonal occurrence in my part of the world as entire forests turn into colorful places of beauty that attracts lots of photographers. The trees change through the autumn season as they prepare for our long Canadian winter. Once the winter is over, the trees will start growing leaves again as the temperatures warms up in the springtime. Although considered a novelty to most tourists, these autumn changes are part of regular life each year here in Canada. Change, of course, is now considered to be regular in our fast-paced world. Technology changes at lightning speed which can result in jobs lost. Skills and knowledge that we have will require updating on a regular basis now just so that we don’t become outdated. It is certainly not like the old days anymore when we can just learn a certain skill or trade and expect to use that same knowledge for the rest of our working careers. Change itself can be quite scary but we should learn from nature — because change is natural. Change has been happening in nature since the beginning of time. Even our ancient human ancestors had to acquire new skills in order to survive through the different seasons, much like the trees do with their changing leaves. Adapting to change in our modern world should be viewed as a natural thing to do. Learn to embrace change as it forces you to learn new skills. 参考译文: 我发现,在我常常遛狗的树林里,大部分的树叶都开始变色了。这里是加拿大的东部,树叶通常是绿色的,但当秋天来临,树叶就会变成红色,黄色和橙色。在我们这儿,这是正常的季节规律,整片树林都会变得五颜六色,漂亮得很,吸引了许多摄影师前来拍照。 在加拿大,树木在秋季经历的变化是为漫漫寒冬做好准备。冬天一过,随着春季气温回暖,树木又重新长出嫩叶。尽管加拿大的秋天让大多数游客感到非常新奇,但年复一年,当地人已经对这种变化司空见惯了。 当今世界在高速运转,人们对变化已经习以为常。科技的飞速进步将会带来工作岗位的减少。我们必须不断学习新技术和新知识,才不至于被甩到身后。今


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