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摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目为山东省B市城市污水处理厂设计,主要任务是对污水处理厂一期工程进行设计,掌握工程设计的基本步骤,掌握城市污水处理工艺设计、厂区平面布置以及各处理单元构筑物设计计算的基本方法。 污水处理厂三期的总处理规模为4.5万吨/日。进水水质:CODCr:550mg/L,BOD5:250mg/L,SS:280mg/L,NH3-N:46mg/L,TN:58mg/L,TP:6.5mg/L。要求处理后水质达到国家《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级 A 标准的要求:CODCr≤50mg/L,BOD5 ≤10mg/L,SS≤10mg/L,NH3-N≤5mg/L,TP≤0.5mg/L。 本设计根据其进水水质、水量及出水情况,分析比较了各种污水处理工艺,确定该污水处理厂采用倒置的A/A/O工艺,该工艺具有处理效果好,出水水质稳定,运行管理方便,基建与运行费用低等特点。产生的污泥经浓缩、脱水后外运。 主要设计内容包括:污水处理工艺选择及各工艺单元的设计(包括工艺流程的确定及各单体构筑物的设计);污泥处理工艺设计(包括工艺流程的确定及各单体构筑物的设计);污水处理厂的平面及高程布置(包括污水处理厂处理构筑物和辅助构筑物的平面图及高程图的绘制)。 关键词:污水处理,倒置A/A/O工艺污泥处理,平面布置,高程布置 ABSTRACT The graduation design topic is to design B city’s wastewater treatment plant of SHANDONG . The main task is to design the wastewater treatment plant’s first project,master the basic steps in engineering design and the city wastewater treatment process design, factory layout and each processing unit to build a basic method in design and calculation. The total construction scale of the first project is 100000 m3/d; The original water: CODCr:550mg/L, BOD5:250mg/L; SS:280mg/L; NH3-N: 46mg/L; TN:58mg/L; TP:6.5mg/L for handling the water quality to achieve the country the urban wastewater treatment plant emissions standards (GB18918-2002) level 1A standard requirements: CODCr less than 50 mg/L, BOD5 less than 10mg/L BOD5, SS less than 10mg/L, NH3-N less than 5mg/L, TP less than 0.5 mg/L.In this paper, according to the feed water quality, water quantity and water situation, analyses and compares the all kinds of wastewater treatment process, determine the sewage treatment plant using the separate inflowing reversed A/A/O process, the process has good effect,stable water quality,easy operation and managment,infrastructure and low operation cost.the sludge is transported out of the plant after concentration and dehydration. The main design content includes: choosing the wastewater treatment process and the p


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