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常用减肥水果的热量和功效 水果减肥餐,是不少人会使用的方法,不过要找出最适合自己的水果最重要,而且有些水果在食用的时候,也要特别注意,免得过食造成热量过高。下面就针对常用的减肥水果的热量和特性来比较比较,你可以以自己的需求去选择想要的塑身水果。 Fruit weight loss meals, it is a lot of people will use the method, but is the most important to find out the most suitable for their own fruit, and some fruits at the time of consumption, also pay special attention to, lest overeating causes excessive heat. Below is based on the heat and characteristics of commonly used weight loss fruit compared to compare, you can choose to their own needs to want to the shape of fruit. 1、苹果 100克/50卡路里 1, 100 g apple / 50 calories  苹果是最多人会选的瘦身水果,因为它有丰富的果胶,可以帮助肠胃蠕动和排除体内毒素,最棒的是还可以降低热量吸收,再加上苹果的钾质很多,可以防止腿部水肿。当然啰,苹果的卡路里也不高,所以才有专吃苹果的苹果减肥餐产生。 Apple is one of the most people would choose slimming fruit, because it is rich in pectin, can help intestines and expel toxin, the best is can also reduce heat absorption, plus apple potassic many, can prevent leg edema. Of course, apples calories is not high also, so we have designed to eat apple in the diets.  2、香蕉 100克/125卡路里 2, banana 100 g / 100 calories  很多水果减肥餐都少不了香蕉,因为香蕉含有丰富纤维质、维他命A、钾质和果胶等,所以可以有效地整肠,这样就能帮助排便。香蕉也有排除水分的效果,不但是最佳瘦身水果,也是吃了会让肌肤水当当的美颜圣品,不过香蕉的热量较高,吃多了,会有变胖的疑虑。 Many fruits eat bananas are integral to reduce weight, because the banana contains rich fiber, vitamin A and potassium and pectin, etc., so can effectively the whole bowel, so it can help bowel movement. Banana has ruled out the effect of moisture, is not only the best slimming fruit, also ate can let skin dangdangs beauty in the water, but banana high quantity of heat, eat many, will change fat. 香蕉也有排除水分的效果,不但是最佳瘦身水果,也是吃了会让肌肤水当当的美颜圣品,不过香蕉的热量较高,吃多了,会有变胖的疑虑。 Banana has ruled out the effect of moisture, is not only the best slimming fruit, also ate can let skin dangdangs beauty in the water, but banana high quantity of heat, eat many, will change fat. 3、葡萄柚 100克/28卡路里 欧美人都爱吃葡萄柚等酸性水果来塑身,因为酸酸的水果可以促进肠道消化功能,葡萄柚含有丰富的维他命 C,可以消除疲劳,还能让肌肤美美的呢!加上葡萄柚的热量和含糖量少,是最佳的明星减肥水果。 3, 100 g grapefruit 28 calories/acid fru


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