牛津译林版八上《Unit 4 Wild animals》导学案1.docVIP

牛津译林版八上《Unit 4 Wild animals》导学案1.doc

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8A Unit4 Wild animals Comic strip&Welcome to this unit1、Wild animals 意为:________ ①wild用作形容词时意思:_______例句:一些野生的动物自由地生活在森林里。Some _____? _____ live freely in the forest . ②wild也可用作名词意思:“野生状态”常用短语in the wild意为:在户外,在野外 2、Oh,your food looks delicious!你能写出delicious的比较级和最高级吗?__________/_____ ? 那它的近义词是什么?__________(你真棒!) 3、If I die,no one will look after you.如果我死了,就没有人照顾你了。 ①die |dаi| 为不及物动词意思是:“死,死亡”如: 每年有许多人在交通事故中死亡。Many _______die in the________ accidents every year . 那个老人在83岁去世。The old man died _____ the age of 83 ②die 的名词时death ,它的形容词是dead . 你能写出die 的现在分词吗?______ ( ) ③look after 意思为:___________同义短语为:take care of . ★当说照顾好某人时look after 用well(放在宾语后,而take care of 用good(放在care前) 即:look after …well = take good care of ?例句:我现在能照顾好我的妹妹。 I can _____? _____ my sister _____ now . = I can _____? _____? _____ of my sisiter now. ④此句是if引导的条件状语句的复合句,句子一般遵循“主将从现”的原则,例如: 如果你更加努力学习,你会通过考试的。If you ________harder ,you can pass the test. I have some milk? I saw _______(little/ a little/ few/ a few) in the fridge. Hanjing High School is more beautiful than _________(any/any other) school in Suzhou. -_______ is the cost of the trip? –Ten yuan per person. If you eat _________(健康), you will get fat. ________ (幸运), he won the game at last. He is so ________(幸运) This song is much _____(popular) than that one, there are few people love it. He read ____(少) advertisement than me, so he get ______ (少) information We should remember these __________(英雄) spirit.(精神) 二:翻译 1 一封邀请信 ______________2你吃得越少,你就越苗条______________________________ 3他将不得不给老虎拍一张照片______________4 溜冰是极大的趣事 ___________________ 基础巩固 一、阅读并背诵卡通漫画,然后填写短文,一空一词. Eddie is having some bones. Hobo w______ like to have s______ of them. He thinks they are d______ and he’ll d______ if he doesn’t have food. Eddie doesn’t a______ with him. He says that he w______ talk to Hobo if he e______ his food. He will a______ die if he has no food. If he dies, no one will look a______ Hobo. Do you think Eddie is a good m______? 二、完成下面对话 (Simon is going to N


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