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脉冲式安全阀 Pulse type safety valve 该阀把主阀和辅阀设计在一起,通过辅阀的脉冲作用带动主阀动作,这种结构通常用于大口径.大排量及高压系统 2.弹簧式安全阀 Spring type safety valve利用压缩弹簧的力来平衡阀瓣的压力并使其密封的安全阀.这类安全阀的弹簧作用力一般不应超过20000N 3.重锤式安全阀 Weighted safety valve 用杠杆和重锤来平衡阀瓣压力的止回阀.这种结构只能用在固定设备上,其重锤的重量一般不应超过60kg 4.微启式安全阀 Low lift safety valve 阀瓣开启高度为阀座喉径的1/40~1/20的安全阀 5.全启式安全阀 Fall lift safety valve 阀瓣开启高度等于或大于阀座喉径的1/4的安全阀 6.全封闭式安全阀 All sealed bonnet tgpe safety valve 开启排放时,介质不会向外界泄漏,而是全部通过排泄管排放掉.这种结构适用于易燃.易爆.有毒介质 7.半封闭式安全阀 Half sealed bonnet type safety valve 开启排放时,介质一部分通过排泄管排掉,而另一部分从阀盖与阀杆的配合处向外泄漏.这种结构适用与一般的蒸气和对环境无污染的介质 8.敞开式安全阀 Exposed type safety valve 开启排放时,介质直接由阀瓣上方排放,这种安全阀适用于对环境污染无要求的场合 9.直接载荷式安全阀 Direct loaded safdty valve 直接用机械载荷如重锤.杠杆重锤或弹簧来克服由阀瓣下介质压力所产生作用力的安全阀 10带辅助装置的安全阀 Assisted safety valve 该安全阀借助一个动力辅助装置,可以在低于正常的开启压力下开启.即使辅助装置失灵,此类阀门应仍能满足标准的要求。1. Exposed type full lift spring safety valve is usually chose for steam boiler using. 2. Low lift spring safety valve is usually chose when the medium is liquid. 3. Sealed Fall lift Spring safety valve is usually chose when the medium is air or other 4.Full lift inner safety valve is usually chose for tank-truck for liquefied petroleum gas using or tank car for liquefied petroleum gas using . 5. Pilot operated safety valve is usually chose for Christmas tree using 6. The pilot operated safety valve with functions of safety and controlling is usually used in turbine high pressure bypass of steam-electric power equipment 7. The safety valve with release level should be chose when the opening-test is demanded regularly. Disc can be lifted slightly at the fluid pressure above 75% of opening pressure 8. If temperature of medium is higher, the safety valve with radiator should be chose to bring down the temperature of spring cavity when operating temperature above 300?? in sealed type safety valve or above 350?? in exposed type safety valve. 9. Bellow seal safety valve should be chose when backing pressure of valve is changed and amount of change above 10% of opening pressur


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