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【=Unit 1 一些妇女认为牺牲一个女婴可以确保下一次怀孕生个儿子 Some women believe that sacrificing a female infant guarantees a son in the next pregnancy 对于许多母亲来说,亲自宣判女儿的死刑,胜过判定女儿一辈子遭受歧视忍受贫困。 For many mothers, sentencing a daughter to death is better than condemning her to life with cradle to grave discrimination and poverty. 城市妇女可以根据胎儿性别选择堕胎,因为他们更容易有机会想用现代医学技术。 In urban areas, easier access to modern medical technology enables women to undergo sex-selective abortions. 在印度,一个年轻女子只是被看成她出生家庭的临时成员,而且是对这个家庭财力的极大消耗。 In India, a young woman is regarded as a temporary member of her natural family and a drain on its wealth. 烧柴做饭的妇女一天吸入的致癌物质相当于每天抽20包香烟。 Those women who use wood fuels in cooking inhale carcinogenic pollutants that are the equivalent of smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day. 妇女的健康需求过去常被忽视,或者被认为和男人的需求相同。去年开罗的大会上一致认为不安全的流产,应该是整个医疗保健中要注意的一个方面。多次会议都承认,必须理解妇女有特殊的健康需求,妇女应充分获得足够的医疗卫生服务 Women’s health needs have in the past often been overlooked, or assumed to be the same as men’s. at the Cairo conference last year it was agreed that the consequence of unsafe abortions are part of overall health care. The conferences recognize that women have specific health needs which must be understood, and that women must have full access to adequate health care services. Unit 2 如果你到医院去,你会见到病人在做手术前吸止痛药。 If you go to a hospital, you will find patients usually snort pain killing medicine before an operation. 那个参议员在他的政党里是一股很强大的势力,所以她很有可能赢得今年的那个席位。 Since the senator is a potent force in her political party, she is most surely to win the place this year. 自从他得知了事实真相以来,他就一直在寻找机会为被谋杀的兄弟报仇 He has been seeking vengeance for the murder of his brother since he was told of the fact. 在较长的节假日周末,死亡人数因为车祸会上升。 On long holiday weekends there is always a rise in the number of fatalities due to auto accidents. 你在中学度过的那段时间是你受教育的一个重要时期。 The time you spend in high school is an important phase of your education. 然而,我应该指出的是在医学和科学研究领域里,实际上在进行认真的,并且是有价值的与毒品有关的工作。但是,在对毒品政策进行大规模讨论中,学术界和知识界总的来说没有提出什么好的办法,提出的办法也很少真正有用。 I should point out ,



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