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EXCEL随机数据生成方法 What is the value of the rand () function in my spreadsheet, which is -1 to 1, and how to return 1 to 0 Answer: there are two kinds of changes: Its [1 - rand ()] / 2, Or [1 + rand ()] / 2. The effect is the same, you can generate a random number between 0 and 1 The RAND () function in the spreadsheet has a range of 0 to 1, and the formula is as follows: = RAND () If the range is 1 to 2, the formula is as follows: = RAND () * (2-1) + 1 RAND () Comments: To generate a random real number between a and b: = RAND () * (b - a) + a If RAND () function is used to generate a random number, and do not change, according to the cell calculation can be input in the edit field = RAND (), keep editing, and then press F9, change the formula permanently to random Numbers. The sample A random number (variable) between 0 and 1 = RAND () * 100 is greater than or equal to 0 but less than 100 random Numbers (variable) Excel generates the 60-70 random number formula = RAND () * 10 + 60 You can take the whole thing and you can write it as equal to int (RAND () * 10 + 60). I want to create a 50-80 random number in the B1 unit with excel and this random number is greater than the number in the A1 unit, and I want to ask you how to write the formula! Integer: = ROUND (RAND () * (80 - MAX (50, A1 + 1) + MAX (50, A1 + 1), 0) No integer: = RAND () * (80 - MAX (50, A1)) + MAX (50, A1) Requirements: 1. The decimal holds 0.1 2100 0-1100 range 3, dont repeat Equals LEFT (RAND () * 100 + 1000, 6) You dont have to repeat You can set the data validity In data - validity = countif (a: a, a1) = 1 So Im just going to select a column to be valid Other columns can be The formula for generating a random number of Numbers in excel, which is between 38.90 and 44.03, is not allowed to repeat, keeping two decimal places and not allowing for a change (RAND () * 5 + 38.9, 2) The drop-down formula Excel random number Excel has a powerful function, using the Excel function, which can easily generate a


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