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房地产企业岗位招聘笔试题题库之三十五(含答案):规划设计师 Planning designer post recruitment exam Respondents name Pen test score   review volume people reading  A, the single item choice question  20 topic  each item 1  a total of 20 points. There is only one of the four options listed in each topic Option is correct  please fill out the letter of the correct options before  within parentheses scoring 1  the real estate administration law of the Peoples Republic of China is   years began. A 1992 B 1993 C 1994 D 1995 2   after the real estate market macroeconomic regulation and control in 1993 in bad rear cubicle most populous city is    A zhuhai B north sea C sanya D haikou 3   in May 2006 the state council issued about opinion to promote the development of the real estate market healthy  referred to as   Old and new country eight B country eight C the six countries D 15 4   in domestic project   top price  media and social public concern most  doubts is also the most. A tomson, B gongyuan, 6 C sea, 19 D vanke, 17 miles 5   the current average house prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities with the highest city is    A Beijing B Shanghai C guangzhou D shenzhen 6  domestic real estate enterprises of   once said there is no profits, no brand  that caused uproar. Zhang baoquan, A wang shi, and pan shi yi 7  annual, give priority to with various awards, in the real estate industry influential national activity is    B boao real estate BBS C China real estate design BBS D room 8   in the corporate governance structure is not belong to the three meeting of    A general managers office will be the meeting of the board of directors of the board of directors C 9   for any post staff work first to   responsible. A general manager, chairman C, and vice general manager D 10  post KPI refers to    A key performance indicator B organizes the target C development objectives D career goals 11   in accordance with the provisions of the urban planning m



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