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第九章数据库概念 Chapter 9 concept Try to describe the concepts and the four characteristics of the transaction. What are the features of the transaction that the recovery technique can guarantee? A: A transaction is a database operation sequence defined by the user, which is either all or not, an inalienable unit of work. Four features of the transaction: (book P278 - P279) Recovery techniques ensure the consistency, atomicity, and persistence of transactions. Why is it that the end of the transaction affects the correctness of the database data? A: The transaction execution result must be to change the database from one consistent state to another. If failure occurs in the operation of the database system, some transaction has not been completed, was forced to interrupt the unfinished transaction on the database part of the changes have been written to the physical database, the database is in a state of incorrect, or inconsistent state. Why do you have a recovery subsystem in the database? What is its function? A: Because the computer system hardware failure, software error, operator error, and malicious damage is inevitable, the fault light running transactions caused by abnormal interruption, affect the validity of the data in the database, or destroy the database, make the loss of all or part of the data in the database, so there must be recovery subsystem. The function of restoring the subsystem is to restore the database from the error state to a known correct state, also known as a consistent state or complete state. What are the types of failures that can occur in a database run? Which failures affect the normal execution of the transaction? What failures destroy database data? A: There may be a variety of failures in the database system, which can be divided into the following categories: (1) internal failure of the transaction; (2) system failure; (3) failure of the medium; (4) computer viruses. Transaction failure, system failure and media failure affect the n



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