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第3章 地层学Stratigraphy 3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 3.1 Concepts, laws contact relationships of strata3.2 地层划分和对比 3.2 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3 地层单位和地质年代 3.3 Stratigraphic units and geological times 3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 Concepts, laws contact relationships of strata 3.1.1 地层与地层学 3.1.1 Strata and stratigraphy 3.1.2 地层学的基本定律 3.1.2 Basic stratigraphic laws 3.1.3 地层的接触关系 3.1.3 Contact relationships of strata 3.1.1 Strata stratigraphy Strata: All layered rocks, which include all sedimentary rocks, a part of igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks Stratigraphy Stratigraphy, from Latin stratum + Greek graphia, is the study of all rock bodies forming the Earths crust and their organization into distinctive, useful, mappable units based on their inherent properties or attributes in order to establish their distribution and relationship in space and their succession in time, and to interpret geologic history. 地层学:研究层状岩石形成的先后顺序、地质年代、时空分布规律(狭义)和形成环境条件及其物理、化学性质的地质学分支学科.她的核心目标就是建立地球科学的时间坐标。 3.1.2 地层学的基本定律Basic stratigraphic laws 孤峰组硅质岩, P2, 喻家山北 倒转地层的识别方法(沉积学) 倒转地层的识别方法(沉积学) 化石层序律(Principle of fossil succession) 不同时代的地层含有不同的化石,含相同化石的地层其时代相同。 William Smith (1769-1839)----地层学之父于1817年提出。 化石层序律的理论基础和问题 ●Life has varied through time ● Fossils fossil assemblages are recognizably different from one another ●Homology? migration 相同时代的地层就一定含有相同的化石吗?不一定 1. 相同的时代可有不同的沉积环境 2. 相同的时代也可有不同的埋藏和保存环境. 化石层序律的意义 3.1.3 地层的接触关系The contact relationships of strata Angular unconformity/Disconformity Parallel unconformity/disconformity observed Conformity; D1 western Junggar Nonconformity, 鸡冠山, 北戴河 地层接触关系 接触关系在空间上是可以变化的Contact relationships may change in space, from land to marine basin. 第3章 地层学Stratigraphy 3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 3.1 Concepts, laws contact relationships of strata3.2 地层划分和对比 3.2 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3 地层单位和地质年代 3.3 Stratigraphic units and geological times 3.2.1 Concepts of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 地层划分:根据地层的特征和属性(如岩性
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